Among the many properties attributed to sage essential oil, the ones that seem most universally recognized are the healing ones and the ability to promote circulation, in terms of effects on the psyche are attributed to it anti-stress and antidepressant properties.

The plant and the production of essential oil

As often happens, the common name of the plant is not very indicative because there are many species of sage, even in the case of sage it corresponds to what of the genus or genus (belonging to the family of Lamiaceae) which includes as many as a thousand species. This essential oil is obtained from the Salvia officinalis species, also known as common sage, it is a herbaceous perennial plant with labiate flowers (meaning that the inflorescence is symmetrical only on one plane). It is a small plant, usually between 20 and 40 centimeters, never more than 60.

As we have said, it is a perennial plant, that is, a plant that lives for more than a season or two and during the winter in many cases loses the aerial part but recreates it in spring. In salvia officinalis the part at the base of the plant is branchy and is the one that is kept during the winter. The name of the species clearly reveals that since ancient times this plant has been attributed beneficial and even medicinal properties, sage in fact derives from the Latin "salvus" which means, among other things, safe, healthy, while officinalis is an epithet from the medieval Latin indicates plants used in the medical field but also in the kitchen. The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the upper parts of the plant, leaves and flowers.

Properties of sage essential oil

In essential oils, the ascribed properties grow as more sources are consulted, this is because the verification methods of traditional medicine are not as precise as those of modern science but also because the oils essentials are very complex compounds that contain innumerable active ingredients. As always, we limit ourselves to indicating those properties for which it is most commonly recommended. Sage essential oil boasts excellent healing properties and is a adjuvant of circulation. As far as the psychic sphere is concerned, it would help fight stress and depression by carrying out an invigorating action.

Topical use of sage essential oil

One of the most common indications for sage essential oil is its use (as usual, a few drops diluted in an oil, such as almond oil) in massage on the abdomen to combat the discomfort of pre-menstrual syndrome, most likely the mechanism by which it would act is that the aforementioned ability to improve circulation would combat water retention which is typical of this condition. Another indication reported on multiple sources is the ability of sage essential oil to fight excessive sweating, in this case it should be diluted in a vegetable oil or cream and applied to the parts most prone to this problem such as armpits and feet. It is also recommended as a remedy for alopecia and against oily hair, in this case it can be added to common lotions used to rub the scalp.

Organic sage essential oil in aromatherapy

For aromatherapy, sage essential oil can be used in appropriate environmental diffusers, both ultrasound and traditional ones, but nothing prevents you from resorting to the usual home method of radiator trays. The commonly recommended dose is the usual one drop for each square meter of the environment. The recommended use is in the evening because having a relaxing effect it would favor rest, in particular as we have mentioned it would be particularly suitable in situations of stress and depression, therefore on the one hand it favors rest but on the other hand it invigorates the body by fighting stress.


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