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Pearl spelled

Pearl spelled

Price €2.99
Availability: 16 In Stock

One ​​of the oldest cereals cultivated by humans, it still gives us its excellent nutritional properties. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, especially selenium, and organic compounds less concentrated in other cereals. Cultivated in Italy, this spelt is pearled and perfect for cooking with versatile recipes including first courses, salads, soups, side dishes with vegetables.



Pearl barley

Pearl barley

Price €3.20
Availability: 8 In Stock

Easily digestible, rich in proteins and low in fat: barley has been a source of well-being as a cereal since ancient times. It contains important mineral salts and is also a purifier. It is used for its refreshing properties even in summer recipes such as salads and cold dishes. In its pearled version, lighter, it cooks faster but without losing its nutritional principles.






Price €3.10
Availability: 23 In Stock

Also called cracked wheat, bulgur comes from the processing of whole wheat, chopped to make it more palatable. The nutritional characteristics are the same as wheat, including starches, proteins, mineral salts and many dietary fibers. As a cereal, its caloric intake is low, and for this reason it is widely used in light recipes.



White quinoa

White quinoa

Price €4.45
Availability: 95 In Stock

Definita “grano de oro” dagli antichi popoli Maya e Inca, è un superfood delle Ande ricco di proteine, fibre alimentari, minerali preziosi e privo di glutine. Il seme di questa pianta può presentarsi in diversi colori, tra cui il bianco di questo tipo di Quinoa, dal sapore delicato. Si utilizza in cucina come un cereale integrale, che regola la digestione e sazia, ottimo per primi, insalate e contorni.


quinoa bianca

Red Quinoa

Red Quinoa

Price €4.45
Availability: 16 In Stock

Quinoa was defined by the Inca people and the Maya as grano de oro, or grain of the Andes. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium and zinc make it a rather complete food.


black quinoa

Black Quinoa

Black Quinoa

Price €4.45
Availability: 97 In Stock

Defined “grano de oro” by the ancient Mayan and Inca peoples, it is a superfood from the Andes rich in proteins, dietary fibre, precious minerals and gluten-free. The seed of this plant can come in different types, including black quinoa: rich in antioxidants, with an intense flavour, perfect for salads and first courses, it cooks longer than other varieties. As a whole grain, Quinoa regulates digestion and satisfies.


black quinoa

Millet seed clear

Millet seed clear

Price €3.45
Availability: 47 In Stock

As a cereal it has been known since ancient times, for the numerous benefits to the body: rich in vitamins and mineral salts, easily digestible, gluten-free. In particular, it is rich in salicylic acid, excellent for strengthening skin, hair, nails. Its delicate flavor can be tried to create first courses such as soups, broths, cold salads, meatballs and as a side dish for meat and fish.



Basmati rice

Basmati rice

Price €2.79
Availability: 12 In Stock

From India comes this rice with a long, thin grain, with a characteristic aroma that is released during cooking. Fragrant and delicate, it is a perfect rice for vegetable dishes, spices, and meats that accompany with softness. Perfect for cold or hot dishes, it also has a low glycemic index, so it is perfect for a healthy diet and hypoglycemia.


basmati rice

Black Venere Brown Rice

Black Venere Brown Rice

Price €3.99
Availability: 57 In Stock

This variety of rice is a cross between Asian black rice and a typical Italian one. The result is a sweet-tasting delight rich in beneficial properties - due to antioxidant flavonoids, dietary fiber, proteins, essential amino acids and mineral salts. It has slightly longer cooking times than classic white rice, and is perfect for delicious recipes with all types of seasoning.


Venus rice


Parboiled rice

Parboiled rice

Price €2.20
Availability: 11 In Stock

From rice seeds, processed by steaming and drying, this easily preservable rice is born, rich in precious nutritional substances for our body. Discover its goodness with the recipes you prefer, you can also assimilate vitamins, proteins, iron and phosphorus. Parboiled does not overcook, and is perfect for rice salads and for cooking paella.


parboiled rice


Red Hermes Rice

Red Hermes Rice

Price €4.39
Availability: 38 In Stock

This red rice is aromatic and prized, born in Italy from the union of Venere rice with an elongated grain variety. Like black rice, Hermes red rice contains red anthocyanins, which are excellent antioxidants at a nutritional level. It is a wholegrain rice rich in fiber, proteins, mineral salts and vitamins. The delicate flavor is ideal for recipes with fish and vegetables, for light rice salads.


Hermes red rice

Whole husked rice

Whole husked rice

Price €2.49
Availability: 9 In Stock

Discover this rice in its natural state: it is also called husked, because it is subjected to husking which frees the grain from the external coating, keeping the germ. It has minerals, fibers, proteins and valuable qualities for a healthy diet. The longer cooking times of refined rice make it stay al dente. The husked is excellent for your recipes with vegetables, fish, white meats.


whole semi-raw rice