
Herbal teas and infusions for the body's well-being are the best allies of health, at any time of the year. There are different types: there are the draining ones, the slimming ones, the diuretic ones and the ones that favor circulation. Nature can be a valuable aid potentially for any type of physical ailment in the body, thanks to the benefits of herbs and medicinal plants. For each ailment, its herbal tea That suffers from digestive problems or intestinal irregularities, herbal teas and infusions for the well-being of the body can significantly improve the state of health, just know which to take.
First of all it is important to verify that it is a natural herbal tea, because the benefits are brought precisely by the herbal herbal properties. Herbal teas for health can be specific to treat certain ailments: for example, there are those with a slimming, diuretic, calming, anti-inflammatory, digestive, laxative and purifying effect. There are also herbal teas that improve the circulation and functionality of the urinary tract. In summary, most of the body's activities can benefit from the natural power of herbs such as eucalyptus, guarana, thyme, ginger, ginseng, gentian and many others.
Very often, a herbal tea for wellness combines multiple herbs with different effects, to obtain more benefits. This is the case of draining and slimming herbal teas that combine green tea with ginger, red fruits or lemon, and soothing and relaxing herbal teas that combine for example chamomile, echinacea, lemon balm and lemongrass. Herbal teas and infusions, an aid to drink more In addition to the benefits brought by herbs, it is also important to know that consuming herbal teas and infusions regularly is a way to take the optimal amount of liquids needed by our body every day.
In fact, many people are unable to drink two liters of water daily, so the consumption of hot drinks for the well-being of the body becomes an infallible and tasty method to achieve the desired goal. Natural herbal teas: preparation and sweeteners Finally, when preparing an herbal tea or an infusion, it is very important to pay attention to the methods: each mixture has its own infusion time and you can choose whether to sweeten them with sugar, honey or other products .

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Herbal mixture relieves...

Herbal mixture relieves rhinitis

Price €3.90
Availability: 74 In Stock

Rhinitis, whether of an allergic nature or not, manifests itself as an acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can result from exposure to certain factors such as allergens, or some odors, food or medicines; or it can be caused by pre-existing problems. Among the natural remedies for rhinitis, which relieve the symptoms of irritation, abundant mucosa and swelling of the nasal septum, there are some herbs included in this mixture: euphrasia, ginkgo biloba, licorice root, peppermint leaves, nettle leaves and plantain.


euphrasia, ginkgo biloba, licorice root, peppermint leaves, nettle leaves and plantain.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. of infusion
Herbal blend for prostate

Herbal blend for prostate

Price €3.90
Availability: 47 In Stock

This herbal tea has been studied for the well-being of the prostate, as a support to favor its natural functions. It works thanks to herbal medicine with medicinal plants known for centuries for their beneficial properties on the male hormonal system. Contains herbs useful for the prostate such as bearberry and nettle, and ononide for its diuretic action.


bearberry, mint, dog rose, blueberry, hernia, orange, heather, birch, horsetail, nettle, restharrow, goldenrod.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. di infusion
Artichoke leaves cut herbal...

Artichoke leaves cut herbal tea

Price €3.49
Availability: 65 In Stock

Artichoke leaves are known to be an excellent remedy for the liver and digestion, despite the bitter taste. They have the power to deflate the stomach and hips, help shape the body through their diuretic action. Artichoke is traditionally used to combat dyspepsia or poor digestion, to treat liver disorders, and for the benefits it can bring thanks to vitamins and antioxidants.

Ingredients: artichoke leaves
Botanical name: Cynara scolymos.
Origin: Italy

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/08 min. di infusion
Artemisia vulgar herbal tea...

Artemisia vulgar herbal tea cut

Price €3.49
Availability: 60 In Stock

Artemisia vulgaris is a plant known for millennia for its properties, which relax the muscles and calm the nervous system. Useful as a natural remedy to alleviate abdominal cramps and menstrual pain, it is also excellent for its diuretic properties. It comes to the rescue even in case of stress, also showing valid digestive characteristics, and expectorants in hot herbal tea.

Ingredients: artemisia vulgaris
Botanical name: Artemisia Vulgaris L. (assenzio selvatico)
Origin: Italy

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/08 min. of infusion
Hawthorn flowers and leaves...

Hawthorn flowers and leaves Herbal tea cut

Price €2.99
Availability: 80 In Stock

The hawthorn in leaves and flowers, is an effective cardiotonic and natural calming, useful in heart rhythm alterations, tachycardia and arterial hypertension. It is a plant with relaxing properties, which helps against anxiety and insomnia. Also effective for digestive and intestinal well-being, it is an ideal herbal tea for the well-being of the organism.

Ingredients: hawthorn
Botanical name: Crataegus Oxyacantha Auct.
Origin: Italy

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/07 min. di infusion

Slimming herbal blend

Slimming herbal blend

Price €3.90
Availability: Out of stock

If inserted in a correct diet, this mixture is very useful for losing weight and draining our body, through a good diuresis. It has been studied with a composition of many officinal herbs, beneficial for eliminating excess liquids and fats. The mix of slimming herbs represents a useful integrated and natural support for a healthy weight loss diet.


fucus, ash, fallax, cinchona, sage, horsetail, fennel, licorice, yarrow, sweet orange, juniper, mint, red vine, asparagus, birch..

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. di infusion
Senna leaves (laxative)

Senna leaves (laxative)

Price €3.20
Availability: 20 In Stock

The laxative action of senna leaves is found useful in case of constipation, hemorrhoids and to fight worms and abdominal swelling. However, non-prolonged consumption is recommended otherwise it has irritating effects in the intestine. Also not recommended for pregnant women and those suffering from chron disease.

Ingredients: senna leaves
Botanical name: Cassia Angustifolia Vahl.
Origin: Europe

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/08 min. di infusion
Birch in herbal tea-cut leaves

Birch in herbal tea-cut leaves

Price €3.49
Availability: 78 In Stock

Birch is a plant which in its leaves makes its excellent diuretic properties available to the body. A birch tea is perfect for a purification in case of water retention, cellulite, kidney stones; it also possesses eupeptic and anti-inflammatory characteristics of the digestive tract. At a dermatological level, it soothes wounds and skin diseases. Birch foliage is also useful in protecting the scalp, against dandruff and hair loss.

Ingredients: birch leaves
Botanical Name: Betula Pendula Roth
Origin: Poland

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/08 min. of infusion
Infused fennel and anise

Infused fennel and anise

Price €3.95
Availability: 56 In Stock

The infusion of fennel and anise is perfect for relieving the annoying abdominal bloating, which often occurs after meals. In addition, it can relieve the swelling that affects many women during the menstrual cycle, and contains phytoestrogens useful for female well-being. This health infusion takes advantage of the properties of two ingredients that are truly precious for our well-being, combining them in a good, as well as healthy drink.


fennel (44%), anise (40%), cumin.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. of infusion
infuso frutti rossi  [Natura d'Oriente]

infusion of red fruits

Price €3.95
Availability: 1 In Stock

The red fruits with an inviting taste and aroma, give a delicate infusion on the palate and beneficial for the body. They are known for their high intake of antioxidants, which help the circulatory system and contribute to the purification of the body; as well as for its anti-aging properties. Excellent infusion to drink hot.


hibiscus, elderberries, grapes (grapes, vegetable oil), rose petals, flavouring, redcurrants, blackcurrants, blackberries.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. of infusion
Epilobio herb cut herbal tea

Epilobio herb cut herbal tea

Price €3.49
Availability: 46 In Stock

Epilobium is a medicinal herb much appreciated for its astringent action, with properties that calm inflammation of the urinary tract such as cystitis and urethritis. Epilobium herbal tea is useful in case of prostatitis and enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy). This plant is also used externally, with emollient and soothing compresses in case of dermatitis, eczema, wounds, burns.
The herbal tea can reduce mouth ulcers and irritation of the oral cavity.

Ingredients: epilobio parfilovra
Botnical name: Epilobium Parviflorum Schreb
Origin: Albania

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/08 min. di infusion
Elderberry leaves

Elderberry leaves

Price €3.25
Availability: 87 In Stock

Elderberry leaves contain healthy properties for our body. As a diuretic, they counteract water retention and urogenital irritations, helping to help with cystitis and urethritis. Also useful as a laxative to avoid constipation and detox for digestive difficulties. elderberry leaves can also fight irritations of the respiratory tract, soothe coughs, pharyngitis and allergic rhinitis.

Ingredients: elder leaves
Botanical name: Sambucus Nigra L.
Origin: Balkans

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/08 min. di infusion