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  • €2.00 - €8.00



Digestive Teas

In caso di problemi di digestione, le tisane posso costituire un valido alleato. Bere una tisana digestiva dopo i pasti, infatti, è un’abitudine che può rivelarsi molto utile per tutte le persone che soffrono di questi disturbi. Si tratta di rimedi naturali che agiscono sul rallentamento gastrico e sulla fastidiosa sensazione di pesantezza allo stomaco. Come per tutte le tisane, l’effetto varia in base alle erbe che sono presenti, ma in generale possono rivelarsi molto utili in supporto a una dieta equilibrata: ecco quindi cosa fare se si soffre di cattiva digestione. Tisana per digerire, tutti i benefici Bere una tisana dopo pasto può aiutare il regolare processo di digestione, senza la necessità di assumere farmaci o altre sostanze che potrebbero avere controindicazioni importanti per l’organismo. Esistono comunque numerosi tipi di tisane digestive, tra queste ci sono: quelle alla citronella e menta, quella alla liquirizia, al dragoncello, al timo, alla salvia, alla finocchiella selvatica, alla genziana e a tante altre erbe. In generale questi infusi stimolano le secrezioni gastriche, riducono l’aria nello stomaco, favoriscono una regolarizzazione del transito intestinale e alcune sono anche antispasmodiche, quindi sono ottime in caso di nausea e mal d’auto. Un ottimo digestivo naturale è ad esempio il finocchio, insieme alla sua versione selvatica: entrambi sono diuretici, depurativi, riducono i gas intestinali e attenuano le coliche. Molti la consumano dopo i pasti per il suo potere “sgonfiante”, ma è ottima anche per combattere la nausea. Oltre al finocchio, anche la menta è indicata in caso di disturbi digestivi, oltre ad avere un gusto molto apprezzato nelle bevande. Una pianta invece meno conosciuta è la genziana, che è utilizzata nel centro Italia soprattutto per fare liquori, ma la sua radice è perfetta anche per curare i sintomi dei problemi gastro-intestinali: favorisce l’aumento della secrezione salivaria e quindi è perfetta come digestivo. Natura d’Oriente offre una vasta scelta di tisane e infusi per combattere i problemi gastrici, tra cui anche l’acidità di stomaco, che può essere contrastata con il potere naturale di una miscela composta da anice, maggiorana, angelica, finocchio, melissa, rabarbaro, menta e abrotano.

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Infused fennel and anise

Infused fennel and anise

Price €3.95
Availability: 56 In Stock

The infusion of fennel and anise is perfect for relieving the annoying abdominal bloating, which often occurs after meals. In addition, it can relieve the swelling that affects many women during the menstrual cycle, and contains phytoestrogens useful for female well-being. This health infusion takes advantage of the properties of two ingredients that are truly precious for our well-being, combining them in a good, as well as healthy drink.


fennel (44%), anise (40%), cumin.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. of infusion
Herbal blend for stomach acid

Herbal blend for stomach acid

Price €3.90
Availability: 25 In Stock

The union of these medicinal herbs can be a cure-all, in a beneficial herbal tea at the gastric level. The active ingredients of this mixture are useful to soothe the classic ailments of stomach acidity, heartburn and gastritis. To make every meal enjoyable, this mixture can give relief and well-being when needed.


anise, fennel, mint, marjoram, lemon balm, abrotano, angelica, rapontico.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. di infusione
Gentian root cut herbal tea

Gentian root cut herbal tea

Price €3.70
Availability: 89 In Stock

The root of this plant is widely used in the preparation of excellent liqueurs, and for an herbal tea with excellent digestive properties. Gentian increases salivary secretion, and for this reason it is considered an excellent aperitif and stimulant of appetite. Gentian herbal tea is also known as a treatment to soothe some symptoms of indigestion and promote stomach well-being.

Ingredients: gentian root
Botanical name: gentian lutea L.
Origin: France

star anise infused licorice

star anise infused licorice

Price €3.95
Availability: 36 In Stock

The infusion of star anise and licorice creates a delicious combination, with characteristics that are good for the human body. It can reduce intestinal swelling, and is a useful infusion as a digestive after heavy meals, or for foods that are difficult to assimilate. Anise and licorice are also useful in case of constipation, and as expectorants for coughs and colds.


anise seeds, star anise, licorice (21%), cornflower, natural flavor.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. di infusion
Infused ginger and fennel

Infused ginger and fennel

Price €3.95
Availability: 33 In Stock

This ginger and fennel infusion, as well as being good and delicate on the palate, has really beneficial properties for our body. Its draining and refreshing action is better than many medicines, and is a healthy natural remedy.


fennel, ginger, chamomile, cinnamon, lime, nettle, strawberry leaves, ginger, fennel, chamomile, cloves, marigold flowers, natural flavors.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. di infusion
Peeled ginger

Peeled ginger

Price €3.70
Availability: 38 In Stock

The pungent, aromatic, quite bitter aroma is reminiscent of citrus. Hulled ginger is a perfect anti-inflammatory, stimulates the metabolism, abdominal swelling. It is also used against pregnancy sickness and acts as a natural antibiotic. Hulled ginger is especially suitable for infusions.



  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. di infusion
Whole Root Gentian

Whole Root Gentian

Price €7.50
Availability: 47 In Stock

The root of this plant is widely used in the preparation of excellent liqueurs with a strong flavor and digestive properties par excellence. Gentian increases salivary secretion, is an excellent aperitif, also known as a treatment to soothe some symptoms related to digestion and promote the well-being of the stomach.

Ingredients: gentian root
Botanical name: genziana lutea L.
Origin: France

Preparation of liqueur: 100g of whole root gentian, 4 liters of white wine, 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of alcohol.

China Bark Herbal Tea Cut

China Bark Herbal Tea Cut

Price €3.10
Availability: 8 In Stock

The cinchona bark is used in the form of an infusion or as a decoction, for its purifying and digestive properties, promoting intestinal well-being. It is useful in case of muscle cramps and to relieve feverish pains. Furthermore, the bark is used for the preparation of various aperitifs or liqueurs, having a characteristic bitter taste.

Ingredients: China Bark
Botanical name: cinchona succirubra
Origin: Indonesia

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. infusion
Cinchona Bark Whole Cannulae

Cinchona Bark Whole Cannulae

Price €2.90
Availability: 46 In Stock

The cinchona bark is used in the form of an infusion or as a decoction, for its purifying and digestive properties, promoting intestinal well-being. It is useful in case of muscle cramps and to relieve feverish pains. Furthermore, the bark is used for the preparation of various aperitifs or liqueurs, having a characteristic bitter taste

Ingredients: cinchona bark
Botanical name:  cinchona succirubra
South America

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. infusion
Toasted licorice infusion

Toasted licorice infusion

Price €3.95
Availability: 13 In Stock

This infusion with toasted licorice is notoriously recommended especially for the winter months when we are more subject to infections in the respiratory tract, because it is used as a calming remedy against inflammation of the throat and lungs and gastrointestinal tract.


raspberry leaves, fennel, rosehip, anise, apple pieces, blackberry leaves, plantain, wild strawberry leaves, mint, sunflower petals, elderflower, lemon balm, marigold petals, rose petals, mullein flowers , aroma.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. di infusion
Herbal blend for colitis

Herbal blend for colitis

Price €3.90
Availability: 26 In Stock

For the well-being of the intestinal tract, this mixing of herbs can give excellent results, if left to infuse and drunk after meals. Try the amalgam of selected beneficial plants, to counteract the formation of intestinal gas, calm abdominal pain and promote proper colon function.


salicaria, cinchona, angelica, fennel, chicory, parietaria, dandelion leaves, rosemary, juniper, elecampane, licorice, chamomile, alchemilla, hops.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. di infusion
Herbal blend for stomach...
  • New

Herbal blend for stomach bloating

Price €3.90
Availability: 10 In Stock

This combination is designed to naturally promote correct digestion, avoiding stomach bloating after meals. The mixture provides various herbs, leaves and flowers with beneficial carminative effects, against meteorism and the formation of intestinal gas. To drink after meals and in the evening, to facilitate digestion before falling asleep.


fennel, lime, licorice, elecampane, mint, lemon balm, orange leaves, hyssop, karkade, sassafras, lime flowers and bractees, condurango, rosemary, centaury, lavender.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. to infusion