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  • €5.00 - €11.00



Pure Artisanal Honey | Made in Italy | Buy online


Honey is an energetic and easily digestible food composed of simple sugars and contains enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals, antibiotic-like substances and substances that can promote growth processes. But how does it come about? Artisanal honey is a product of the transformation, carried out by bees, of the secretions of flowers (nectar) and the secretions of some insects (honeydew). There are several varieties, such as acacia honey and chestnut honey, with different textures and scents, suitable for multiple uses. Properties and benefits of honey The properties of honey are numerous: if dissolved in milk or in a herbal tea, it becomes an excellent cough suppressant. It has antibiotic properties, in fact applying honey as a disinfectant and antibiotic on small skin lesions can promote healing of the treated area. The benefits of honey do not end there: it is a natural calming, to be taken in times of stress, and boasts anti-inflammatory properties that make this product very useful in case of insect bites, especially to relieve redness and / or itching caused by contact of insects with the skin. Selling honey online: what do you need to know? Natura d'Oriente offers a wide range of honey online: wildflower honey is a type of honey very common on Italian tables, especially at the time of breakfast, while eucalyptus honey is very useful to combat the cooling symptoms. Depending on the taste and use needs of individual people, it is possible to purchase a specific product. The sale of artisanal honey is enjoying increasing success, given the benefits of this perfect product for sweetening infusions and tea. Just to taste it in the best way it is advisable never to add it when the drinks are hot, but only and always when they are drinkable, because too high a temperature removes most of its beneficial properties from honey. This product keeps very well up to two years, but it is important not to let it age too much to avoid loss of properties and organoleptic characteristics.

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Honey Artisanal Millefiori...

Honey Artisanal Millefiori Italy

Price €5.39
Availability: 21 In Stock

The artisanal Millefiori Italia honey is perhaps the most well-known and widespread on the market. A "grandmother's remedy par excellence", it is used to find relief from the symptoms of flu, inflammation of the respiratory tract and colds. Used in the preparation of desserts, ideal as a topping on ice cream, combined with cheeses, or to give more flavor to a good pudding.


millefiori honey.

Honey Eucalyptus Italian

Honey Eucalyptus Italian

Price €5.50
Availability: 6 In Stock

Our artisanal eucalyptus honey is produced in Italy. It is a very aromatic honey, with a pungent and strong taste, less sweet than usual, with evident balsamic notes. The color is amber, slightly darker than other varieties. Excellent in autumn and winter, consumed alone or used to sweeten milk, tea and hot drinks.


honey, eucalyptus.

Honey Artisan Marruca Italy
  • Out-of-Stock

Honey Artisan Marruca Italy

Price €5.00
Availability: Out of stock

Our artisanal honey from Marruca flowers is produced in Italy. It has a particular color, tending towards light red, and an intense flavor with notes of caramel. Excellent added to infusions, it is also used in cosmetics


marruca honey.

Honey  Artisanal Orange Italy

Honey Artisanal Orange Italy

Price €6.16
Availability: 1 In Stock

Artisanal orange blossom honey, light in color and delicate, fresh and citrusy flavor. Perfect for sweetening tea or for preparing baked desserts, excellent with yogurt and cheeses.


honey, orange.

Honey Artisan Lemon Italy
  • Out-of-Stock

Honey Artisan Lemon Italy

Price €6.33
Availability: Out of stock

Il miele di fiori di limone, si presenta di colore giallo chiaro ed ha un caratteristico gusto agrumato, con note ben percepibili al palato. È un miele particolarmente ricco di vitamine. Il nostro è un prodotto italiano di qualità artigianale.


miele, limone.

Honey  Artisan Chestnut Italy

Honey Artisan Chestnut Italy

Price €6.38
Availability: 13 In Stock

Miele artigianale di fiori di castagno, prodotto in Italia. Si distingue per l'inconfondibile colore bruno la consistenza compatta e il gusto particolare, intenso con un leggero retrogusto amarognolo.


miele di castagno.

Acacia honey

Acacia honey

Price €6.50
Availability: 16 In Stock

Acacia honey has a very light color and has one of the most delicate aromas and flavors of all honeys but is very sweet, which is why it is one of the most sought after along with wildflower honey..


acacia honey.

Honey Corbezzolo
  • Out-of-Stock

Honey Corbezzolo

Price €10.50
Availability: Out of stock

Italian artisanal strawberry tree honey is a rare and prized product, typical of the Mediterranean regions, especially Sardinia. It has a dark amber color and a unique taste, distinctly bitter and intense, with hints of aromatic herbs and undergrowth. Its production is limited, as it depends on the flowering of the strawberry tree, a plant that flowers late in autumn. It is appreciated for its antioxidant properties and its complex flavor, often used in culinary combinations with aged cheeses or gourmet dishes.


arbutus honey.

Honey Artisanal Cherry Italy

Honey Artisanal Cherry Italy

Price €6.00
Availability: 3 In Stock

Italian artisanal cherry honey is a monofloral honey obtained from the collection of cherry blossom nectar. Characterized by a golden color and a delicate aroma, it has a sweet and fruity flavor with slightly floral notes. Produced in small quantities by local beekeepers, it is appreciated for its purity and quality, thanks to the natural and traditional processing without the use of additives or industrial treatments. Excellent for sweetening drinks or accompanying cheeses and desserts.


cherry honey.

Honey Propolis

Honey Propolis

Price €6.71
Availability: 21 In Stock

The combination with propolis gives life to a dark colored honey with a strong flavor, a useful support to better face the winter season and to find relief from cold symptoms.


honey, propolis.

Artisan honey from the...

Artisan honey from the woods Italy

Price €10.23
Availability: 13 In Stock

A honey with an intense almost caramelized aroma, a strong forest flavor, fruity at times pungent, with notes of earth and bark, intense brown color. Excellent paired with cheeses by virtue of its complex flavor, it has a lower glycemic index than other types of honey.


forest honey.

Pure Royal Jelly 10g

Pure Royal Jelly 10g

Price €8.40
Availability: 5 In Stock

Italian artisanal royal jelly is a natural substance produced by bees, known for its nutritional and energetic properties. Creamy white in color and with a gelatinous consistency, it has a sour and slightly bitter taste. Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants, it is appreciated for its health benefits, including support for the immune system and increased vitality.

✔ The jar is also equipped with a heat-insulated container that allows it to be stored for a few hours outside the refrigerator.

✔ Once opened, store in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0° to 4° C.

✔ Recommended dose: one teaspoon (measuring spoon inside) in the morning on an empty stomach for at least 8 weeks.


royal jelly.