Anti-inflammatory Teas

Le tisane antinfiammatorie sono molto utili per contrastare gli stati di infiammazione dell’organismo e, a differenza dei medicinali, non hanno controindicazioni, non provocano disturbi gastrici e possono essere assunte anche per lunghi periodi. Sfruttano il potere naturale delle erbe e permettono quindi all’organismo di superare lo stato di dolore, agendo sui tessuti o sui vasi sanguigni, ma oltre a questo sono anche molto gustose da bere. Tisane antinfiammatorie: i benefici e quali scegliere Se non si conoscono a fondo le erbe e le piante officinali non è sempre facile capire quali sono le loro funzioni e quali benefici possono apportare all’organismo. Nel caso delle tisane antinfiammatorie, gran parte dell’azione è svolta dalle erbe che le compongono, come ad esempio l’ortica, la santoreggia, lo zenzero, l’angelica e l’echinacea. È importante sapere anche che, a differenza degli antinfiammatori di sintesi, il potere delle piante officinali ha un rilascio più lento, ma il loro effetto è più duraturo. Le erbe più utilizzate per la preparazione di tisane antinfiammatorie sono: La malva, che con le sue proprietà emollienti per i tessuti molli è perfetta contro la tosse e per contrastare le forme catarrali nelle prime vie aeree, oltre che per sfiammare l’intestino. La radice di angelica, che è particolarmente efficace come barriera contro i virus e i batteri, contro le infiammazioni gastro-intestinali e contro le emicranie. L’arnica montana, molto conosciuta per il suo effetto benefico in caso di bronchiti e infiammazioni intestinali. L’echinacea, della quale si utilizzano anche le radici, perfetta per i primi malanni stagionali poiché ha un effetto immunostimolante e antivirale. È inoltre molto utile anche contro le infezioni delle vie urinarie, quando si presenta quindi la cistite. L’artiglio del diavolo, uno dei più potenti antinfiammatori naturale, che con le sue proprietà analgesiche è perfetto per curare dolori articolari e muscolari come la cervicale, i reumatismi e le artriti. L’achillea, ottima per alleviare i disturbi mestruali grazie alle sue proprietà antispastiche, e spesso usata in combinazione con artemisia, cumino e origano.

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Artemisia vulgar herbal tea...

Artemisia vulgar herbal tea cut

Price €2.86
Availability: 56 In Stock

Artemisia vulgaris is a plant known for millennia for its properties, which relax the muscles and calm the nervous system. Useful as a natural remedy to alleviate abdominal cramps and menstrual pain, it is also excellent for its diuretic properties. It comes to the rescue even in case of stress, also showing valid digestive characteristics, and expectorants in hot herbal tea.

Ingredients: artemisia vulgaris
Botanical name: Artemisia Vulgaris L. (assenzio selvatico)
Origin: Italy

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/08 min. of infusion
Absinthe for herbal tea

Absinthe for herbal tea

Price €2.45
Availability: 87 In Stock

Absinthe is a bitter plant in all its parts, but with many beneficial properties. It is able to act as a digestive herbal tea, appetite stimulant, and as a deworming herb. It has very useful properties for female well-being, to regulate the physiological menstrual rhythm and counteract amenorrhea. In addition, it is a natural tonic against stress.

Ingredients: Pontic wormwood
Botanical name: Artemisia Vallesiaca ALL.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 05/08 min. of infusion
Turmeric for herbal tea

Turmeric for herbal tea

Price €3.14
Availability: 60 In Stock

Among the major properties of turmeric are those of promoting digestion, weight loss and purification. It reduces the sense of hunger, improves digestion and purifies the liver, with an antioxidant and general anti-inflammatory action on the body. Its root is used for its ability to help eliminate excess fat, and counteract obesity.

Ingredients: turmeric
Botanical name: Curcuma Domestica Valet
Origin : India

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. of infusion
Peeled ginger

Peeled ginger

Price €3.36
Availability: 33 In Stock

The pungent, aromatic, quite bitter aroma is reminiscent of citrus. Hulled ginger is a perfect anti-inflammatory, stimulates the metabolism, abdominal swelling. It is also used against pregnancy sickness and acts as a natural antibiotic. Hulled ginger is especially suitable for infusions.



  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. di infusion
Echinacea root for herbal tea

Echinacea root for herbal tea

Price €3.89
Availability: 78 In Stock

The echinacea root for herbal tea has beneficial properties for the body, known to be immunostimulating and protective of the immune system. The infusion of root strengthens our defenses, it is an excellent remedy for preventing the flu and colds. In addition, its natural anti-inflammatory properties make echinacea suitable for soothing the symptoms of cystitis, sore throat and irritation of the gums.

Ingredients: echinacea root
Botanical name: Echinacea Pallida Nutt.
Origin : Italy

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. di infusion
Infused ginger and honey

Infused ginger and honey

Price €3.59
Availability: 34 In Stock

Infused with ginger and sweet honey while still being tasted on the palate, spicy aftertaste just drunk. Combined with honey it is an excellent remedy for the respiratory tract. Nice combination of excellent properties for the body.


pieces of ginger (46%), pieces of apple, flavouring, blackberry leaves, sunflower petals, white cornflowers, pollen.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 10/12 min. di infusion
Lapacho orange and vanilla

Lapacho orange and vanilla

Price €3.59
Availability: 52 In Stock

The inner bark of Lapacho has been used for centuries for its natural anti-inflammatory properties, as an aid to the immune system, antioxidant and tonic for the body. Used as a natural antibacterial, it gives a purifying infusion for the urinary tract. Recommended to calm the symptoms of candida, cystitis and vaginal irritation. The aroma of orange and vanilla characterizes the taste, without altering its properties. Not recommended for children.
Not recommended for children.

Ingredients: lapacho, orange peel, natural vanilla flavors.

Preparation: Boil 5 min and leave to infuse every 05 min .

Lapacho Natural

Lapacho Natural

Price €3.59
Availability: 79 In Stock

The inner bark of Lapacho is traditionally used for its natural anti-inflammatory qualities, as an antioxidant, help for the immune system and a tonic for the body. Used in infusion as a natural antibacterial, it purifies the urinary tract. It is recommended to calm the symptoms of candida, cystitis and vaginal irritation. Not recommended for children.
Not recommended for children.

Ingredients: lapacho.

Preparation: Boil 5 min and leave to infuse for 05 min .

Lemon Lapacho

Lemon Lapacho

Price €3.59
Availability: 78 In Stock

The inner bark of Lapacho is historically known for its natural anti-inflammatory qualities, strengthens the immune system and tones the body as an antioxidant. Used as a natural antibacterial, together with lemon, it gives a purifying infusion for the urinary tract. Recommended to soothe the symptoms of candida, cystitis and vaginal irritation.
Not recommended for children.

Ingredients: lapacho (64%), Rooibos Super Grade, lemongrass, natural flavouring, lemon peel (4%).

Preparation: Boil 5 min and leave to infuse for 05 min .

Devil's claw root Cut...

Devil's claw root Cut herbal tea

Price €2.45
Availability: 56 In Stock

The devil's claw is a plant that has beneficial properties, historically used to calm pain and inflammation. The root is indicated in case of joint and muscle pain; it is a very effective remedy for the cervical, as well as alleviating the symptoms of rheumatism, sciatica, low back pain, arthritis and tendinitis.
It is also useful for soothing heartburn and digestive disorders.

Ingredients: devil's claw root
Botanical name: Harpagophytum Procumbens D.C.
Origin: Namibia

Herbal blend for arthritis

Herbal blend for arthritis

Price €3.55
Availability: 51 In Stock

The herbal blend for arthritis is made up of a mix of medicinal plants composed and selected on the basis of their natural anti-inflammatory properties. Herbs show adequate qualities to counteract the complications of arthritis and fight rheumatism; such as spirea, ash and birch.


spirea, ash, licorice, fir, myrtle, yarrow, bearberry, elderberry, chamomile, birch, thyme, linden, mint.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. di infusion
Herbal blend for painful...

Herbal blend for painful menstruation

Price €3.55
Availability: 49 In Stock

The best known herbal remedy used in the presence of menstrual pain is given by the flowering tops of Achillea. One of the herbs with the greatest beneficial influence, among the many included in this herbal blend. It is used against dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), mainly for its antispasmodic properties.


bursa pastoris, mugwort, carrot, cumin, yarrow, oregano, parsley.

  • 100°
  • 3/5g ogni 250 ml
  • 08/10 min. di infusion