For salads, but also for a snack or breading, this dried fruit mix composed of sesame, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and seeds flax combines taste and the beneficial properties of dried fruit.

Properties and nutritional values ​​of the dried fruit contained in the mixture

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are very caloric and rich in fats, in fact from their pressing we obtain an omnipresent oil in the African and Indian culinary tradition, for which represents what extra virgin olive oil represents for ours. Fortunately, more than 90% of these fats, which make up 50% of the weight of the seeds, are made up of good fats. As far as vitamins are concerned, it has a good content of B vitamins in particular (looking at the percentage of the daily requirement and not the absolute value of weight), Thiamine (or B1) and B6 stand out. Among the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus stand out.

Pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin seeds from a nutritional point of view give a caloric intake which, although still considerable (579 kilocal per 100 grams) is the lowest of the whole dried fruit. Even the vitamin content is not among the most important even if that of B3 is about a quarter (per 100 grams of product) of the daily requirement of an adult man and therefore not indifferent.Among the mineral salts the magnesium and phosphorus content stands out. . But the property for which pumpkin seeds are really appreciated are the vermifuge abilities due to an amino acid called cucurbitin and the benefits in case of cystitis.


Flax seeds like pumpkin seeds from the point of view of calories are a “light” dried fruit (534 kilocal per 100 grams). The vitamin content is also similar, it excels in those of group B, but in this case it is Thiamine (B1) that stands out with 1,644 mg, much more than the average daily requirement estimated at 1.2 mg for men and 0, 9 mg. Among mineral salts magnesium and phosphorus stand out.

Regarding the benefits attributed, we must distinguish between those attributed by tradition (laxative and anti-inflammatory capacities) and those confirmed by science.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are very caloric, like all nuts, but not at the record levels of nuts for example, with 584 calories per 100gr just above the pumpkin seeds (it is clear, we hope, that the light in the previous paragraph was a joke and had relative value). As for the nutrients, among the vitamins again it is those of group B that make up the lion's share, in particular B1 (or Thiamine) and B6 contained in a hectogram of sunflower seeds exceed the average daily requirement, the content is also good. of B9, that is folic acid so precious for pregnant women. As in all oilseeds the many calories are provided by fats, but they are "good" fats in particular linoleic acid which is an Omega-6, so it is suspected that not only would it not increase bad cholesterol but that it it would lower while protecting the heart, but scientific studies have not yet resolved all doubts about it. Among the mineral salts stands out the contribution of magnesium, the energy source of the cells.

The plants

Sesame is a plant native to Africa and India, the scientific name is Sesamum Indacum, it belongs to the genus Sesamum which includes 20 species in all (the seeds of other species are also edible). The botanical family is called Pedaliacee. It is an annual plant, with a size between 50 cm and a meter, the leaves are large and lanceolate, that is, oval-shaped with pointed ends. The tubular flowers (they look like bells) can be of various colors (white, blue or purple), even the seeds, depending on the variety, can be of different colors, from a commercial point of view, however, the whitish ones clearly prevail

Linen is an annual herbaceous plant typical of temperate climates, the best yield in terms of fiber quality is obtained in cold countries, such as Russia, Netherlands, France and Romania. The scientific name deThe species is Linum usitatissimum, genus Linum family Linacee. The plant is grown for both fiber and flaxseed for food, but they are two different varieties. The plant is between 30 and 60 cm tall, the stem and leaves are tender and fragile, the fairly large flower is sky blue and has five petals, five sepals and five yellow stamens. The fruits are capsules, dehiscent dried fruits (that is, when ripe, they open and drop the seeds).

The generic name sunflower would apply to all plants of the genus Helianthus (in turn belonging to the Asteraceae or Composite family), but the one cultivated for the purpose food, the so-called common sunflower is Helianthus annuus. It is an annual herbaceous plant that can reach very considerable dimensions, usually up to three meters, but the record recorded is even nine. In the sunflower everything deceives those who are not expert in botany, first of all it is not a flower but a pseundanthium, that is, an inflorescence, a group of flowers, organized to look like a single large flower. Second surprise: what we commonly call seeds are not really the seeds of the plant, they are achenes, which is a hardened dry fruit that contains only one seed.

It's easy to say pumpkin, from the botanical point of view pumpkin means nothing and all the pumpkins used in the kitchen belong to the cucurbit family that counts the beauty of 965 species, among the 95 genera belonging to the family there are many important for human nutrition, even melon, cucumber and watermelon are cucurbits, but what we commonly call pumpkins all belong to the cucurbit genus. These are annual herbaceous plants with yellow or orange flowers, in most cases they are climbers that grow several meters in length. In Italy we grow several varieties belonging to the Cucurbita maxima (the round ones) and Cucurbita moschata (the elongated ones) species.


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