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Some medicinal plants are considered one of the natural ways to treat hyperglycemia, as a support for a low-sugar diet. These herbs historically represent in phytotherapy , a treatment that helps in cases of slight excess of sugar in the blood, through their properties.

They can facilitate the body to maintain a stable level of glucose in the blood, together with the diet, through proper absorption. They stimulate the production of insulin in the body and promote the elimination of sugars.

Herbs for diabetes: properties and benefits

Burdock is one of the most suitable plants as an aid in the treatment of blood sugar and diabetes, since it acts on sugars in the digestive tract. Its action is given by the ability to prevent excess sugars from entering the bloodstream, regulating the presence of glucose in the body. The polysaccharides in this plant could also act by regulating the fats in the blood, for a beneficial action on our body.

The inulin , contained in the burdock, also promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria useful for the well-being of the intestine and digestion.

Another useful ingredient in the herbal blend for diabetes is eucalyptus. Its possible potential in reducing blood sugar by acting on digestion and the pancreas has long been studied among herbal remedies for hyperglycemia.

Historically, the artichoke is a medicinal plant used to promote digestive processes and liver well-being. In addition, it is included in this herbal tea for diabetes, given its beneficial properties due to the high content of inulin in the ripe artichoke.

Inulin is a carbohydrate which, once taken by the body, arrives directly in the colon without undergoing any process from the digestive metabolism. In this last part of the intestine, thanks to the presence of bacterial flora, it participates in the transformation of sugars into energy, breaking down into fatty acids and fructose molecules - a sugar that does not require insulin to be used. This process helps regulate glucose levels, as well as having beneficial effects on the intestinal mucosa.

In the herbal tea to counter high blood sugar, there are also nettle leaves, which are studied for the possible beneficial effects on the production of insulin by the pancreas. Furthermore, this medicinal herb is historically known to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, as occurs in other plants including dandelion and myrtle.

Regarding the dandelion or dandelion, the root and the leaves can be used as a hypoglycemic herb, in case of mild high blood sugar. Some important compounds of the plant seem to be able to block the reabsorption of glucose in the lipid-glucose-protein metabolism. In this way, the reduction of dietary blood sugar is favored.

Some elements of the plant, such as taraxacin , are also natural anti-inflammatories.

As mentioned, myrtle possesses historically considered anti-diabetic properties, attributed to the essential oil and leaves. The hypoglycemic capacity of myrtle leaves derives from its action which blocks some intestinal enzymes destined to transform sugars; in this way, it slows down the absorption of glucose.

Another beneficial ingredient is given by the leaves of the fruit nut, traditionally used in herbal medicine to control blood sugar.

Cranberry is another element in the herbal blend for diabetes known to improve circulation and decrease high blood glucose levels following meals. The health benefits derive from the presence of anthocyanosides , which are studied for their action to improve insulin sensitivity in the body.

With regard to sage, this herb in the herbal tea has been understood due to the fact that in phytotherapy it is associated with a hypoglycemic action. It helps to stabilize blood glucose levels, and improves the body's response to insulin.
Bean pods are among the best known traditional remedies for providing herbal medicine in cases of so-called dietary diabetes (diabetes mellitus).
The seeds are removed from the pods and the peels are used for herbal teas or extracted. The diuretic properties of thepod, join those that seem to partially block the assimilation of starches and fats, via the protein phaseolamine. By holding a specific enzyme in digestion, it causes a lower absorption of sugars. Its action is also studied through hormonal substances present in the pod, which seem comparable to insulin.

An interesting ingredient is hops, which contains an antioxidant such as xanthumol, studied for its ability to contrast high blood sugar and cholesterol. Already known as a natural anti-inflammatory in herbal medicine, hops can attenuate the inflammatory states linked to hyperglycemia, acting on the metabolism and on the dynamics of insulin resistance.

Agrimony is known in herbal medicine as a traditional treatment of diabetes, studied today because it stimulates the secretion of insulin from some pancreatic cells. A possibility of counteracting hyperglycemia, and conducive to the release of insulin.

In folk medicine, the alchemilla plant was also often used for the treatment of diabetes.

Heather is attributed with natural anti-inflammatory, diuretic and beneficial properties capable of promoting the elimination of toxins from the body.

Origins and History of cultivation

In this blend of herbs for diabetes are selected plants, peels or fruits known for centuries in herbal medicine, or as recent discoveries in the case of hypoglycemic properties.

Most of the ingredients have been used for their beneficial action on blood sugar levels and on the diet. The qualities of these plants are enhanced in the effects of the mix, created for the herbal tea that helps fight hyperglycemia.
Most of the officinal herbs present in the blend have been widespread for centuries in Europe, and in any case all the ingredients are available dried and ready for infusion.

Plants and flowers

The components of the herbal tea for blood sugar control derive from parts of medicinal plants, fruits, peels or leaves.

The Alchemilla vulgaris is a perennial plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. It grows in Europe in central and western areas, spontaneously in the woods and mountain meadows. The stem is tall, the leaves are palmate and toothed, and the flowers bloom in the summer.

The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) , is a plant of the Asteraceae family. Also known as a dandelion or dandelion, it grows as a perennial herb in different soils and climates. It displays yellow-orange flowers, and edible leaves that sprout at the base of the plant.

The burdock or Arctium lappa , is a species of plants of the Aster family. Known for the properties of its root, it is a biennial plant of Eurasian origin. It grows the first year with root and leaves, and the second year shows flowers and seeds. Its greyish-green leaves are considered edible in some countries.

Salvia officinalis is a plant of the Lamiaceae family, in the Mentheae subfamily. Known for its healing properties for millennia, it is native to the Mediterranean area and is perennial. It is small in size, with herbaceous branches and the famous oval and aromatic leaves.

The hops or Humulus lupulus , is a perennial and climbing plant of the Cannabaceae family. Native to Europe, western Asia and North America, it gives new shoots in early spring and dies in autumn, with a cold-resistant rhizome.

The pods of the beans are the fruit of the Phaseolus vulgaris represented by the green part. The beans we consume are actually the seeds of the fruit. Bean plants are part of the Fabaceae family, are annuals, hardy, easy to grow and widespread in many varieties.

agrimony is a perennial plant of the Rosaceae family. It shows a rhizome from which the stem is born, whitish and green leaves, and yellow flowers. It grows throughout Europe, North America and Southeast Asia.

The artichoke comes from the perennial plant Cynara scolymus, belonging to the Compositae family. Of Mediterranean origin, it is born with gray-green rosette leaves, and grows to a height of about one meter. The fleshy stem developsin the center of the rosette, with oval and sometimes thorny leaves.

The myrtle Myrtus communis, is an evergreen plant of the Myrtaceae family. It is typical of Mediterranean vegetation, but also widespread in Western Asia and India. It shows a small stem, reaching about 3.5 meters in height. It gives long, oval, glossy leaves, solitary and fragrant pink or white flowers, bluish and fleshy berries.

Nettle or Urtica dioica is a perennial plant of the Urticaceae family. It is now widespread all over the world, native to Europe, temperate Asia and western North Africa. The species is divided into six subspecies, all showing the known prickly hairs on the leaves and stems.

The blueberry plant comes from evergreen dwarf shrubs, of the genus Vaccinium - subgenus Oxycoccus. Blueberries are found from Vaccinium microcarpum or Oxycoccus microcarpus, Vaccinium oxycoccos or Oxycoccus palustris. They are widespread in North America and Chile, northern Europe and Asia.

Eucalyptus plants are evergreen of the Myrtaceae family. There are about 700 species, many of which are called rubber trees. Eucalyptus is recognizable by the characteristic citrus aroma that the leaves emanate when they are crushed.

Juglans regia is the common walnut plant, belonging to the Juglandaceae family. It is a species native to the territory from the Balkans to the Himalayas and southwestern China. It is a sturdy tree, known for its solid trunk, and can reach over 30 meters in height. The leaves are large and light green, and gives the famous fruit or drupe of the walnut.

The Erica plant is part of the Ericaceae family. It is a genus that includes about 860 species of flowering plants. Most of the species are native to South Africa, but some grow spontaneously in other African areas and in the Mediterranean. They show narrow or needle-like leaves, golden and solitary flowers.

Nutritional values ​​of the herbal blend for diabetes

The herbal combination useful against the increase in blood sugar, makes various active ingredients bio-available.

In particular, flavonoids and other antioxidants are active, and inulin - a carbohydrate present in many of the plants of this herbal tea. It is a carbohydrate that is not digestible by the enzymes produced by the human body.

There are also vitamins, nutrients such as mirtolo, taraxacina, xantumolo.

How to use herbs in herbal tea for diabetes

The infusion is obtained by putting in a cup (250 ml), about 3-5 grams, the mixture of herbs for diabetes with water at 100 ° C. Leave to infuse for 8 to 10 minutes, before drinking the herbal tea.

Add honey or sugar if desired.

Herbal blend for diabetes: side effects and contraindications

Among the hypoglycemic herbal teas, this blend has no major contraindications.

In any case, it is not recommended for those sensitive to some medicinal herbs contained; that is, with allergies or intolerances to individual ingredients.

It is advisable not to consume the herbal tea for long periods, and to respect the recommended doses, to avoid stomach pain, hypotension, constipation or diarrhea.

Due to the presence of substances that act on the metabolism of sugars and lipids, it is necessary to consult a doctor to manage your condition in case of high blood sugar or diabetes. There may be some adverse effects from taking herbs, particularly if you are already taking hypoglycemic medications.

The herbal tea is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

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