This plant is now well known as a food and for medicinal purposes all over the world, indicated by researchers for its many health benefits. It is very rich in plant compounds, capable of stimulating metabolism, donating detox nutrients and antioxidants, useful in combating inflammation and water retention .
Moringa leaves: properties and benefits
The herbal tea version is appreciated by those who want to prepare a beneficial tea directly from the leaves. Moringa leaves: properties and benefits The infusion of moringa leaves is mainly appreciated for its diuretic and detoxifying qualities.
The infusion with the leaves in herbal tea cut, can protect our body from the accumulation of metals and toxic substances. Detoxification, i.e. the cleansing of the blood that occurs by filtering toxins, acts in the liver but also through various organs. Moringa leaves provide useful elements in detoxification, first of all vitamin C.
This vitamin helps the body produce glutathione , a compound that supports the elimination of toxins in the liver. It has a diuretic and slightly purgative action that naturally expels fats and impurities from the body. In doing so, it aids in regular bowel movement and diuresis. In ongoing research, the leaves and flowers of Moringa oleifera are being studied for their possible ability to protect the liver from damage caused by toxic substances. The properties of moringa, thanks to the polyphenols contained, could accelerate its repair process, through an action on enzymes.
Among the other qualities recognized to moringa there is the ability to play a role of natural anti-inflammatory, useful for counteracting rheumatism and joint pain. We know that inflammation is the body's natural response to infection or injury, and it can become chronic in some cases, causing damage to our tissues. For this, it is important to evaluate herbs or spices with properties that help the body reduce irritation and inflammation in the body. Moringa oleifera leaves contain isothiocyanates, compounds that reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. There are also other elements of the leaves studied as compounds useful for soothing the conditions of irritation and swelling in arthritis.
Several antioxidant plant compounds are present in moringa leaves, including vitamin C and beta-carotene (vitamin A). It is a plant object of research for various biological activities, as an agent to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, for the regulation of the state of thyroid hormones, and for the possible hypotensive properties. The leaves make quercetin available, in fact, a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce blood pressure. The good percentages of chlorogenic acid contained, on the other hand, could help the body regulate blood sugar levels.
Together with the vitamin B12 content supports the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates , and for this reason moringa is appreciated as a supplement in the case of a slimming diet. Its detox and diuretic qualities also counteract cellulite and swelling due to water retention - a support in a diet to slim and purify the body. In addition, the vitamins and minerals contained in moringa, support those who play sports avoiding tiredness and muscle fatigue: the moringa in herbal tea becomes a recovery drink, for those who want to keep fit.
Origins and History of cultivation
This tree is native to northern India (sub-Himalayan mountainous region), where moringa has been known for at least 5,000 years. It grows with considerable size, and has enjoyed success over the centuries in human culture, since almost all of its parts are used in cooking or herbal medicine. Moringa oleifera has been used as an ingredient in Indian (Ayurvedic), African and Middle Eastern (Unani) medicine, which used the leaves and pods in particular. These parts are considered healing herbs. Over the centuries the tree has also been known by Egyptians and Romans, used in its edible parts as a purgative and to aid digestion.
On a gastronomic level, the leaves are cooked and the roots transformed into a spicy condiment in oriental cuisine. Some parts of the plant are used as sources of some essential nutrients among populationswhere many foods rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals are not available.
If the moringa leaf is a source of nourishment, wood has been providing building material in many countries for centuries. Since moringa has been introduced over time in Asia, Africa and Madagascar, in the Philippines and in the United States, other names have been given to this plant. They include drumstick tree, muringa (Tamil), jacinto (Spanish), sahijan or munaga (Hindi), and shigru (Ayurvedic). The dried leaves of the moringa in herbal tea cut can be found on the market as food supplements and are the richest part of vitamins and minerals.
Plant and flowers
Moringa oleifera is a tree of the Moringaceae family. It is the only genus that contains 13 species, one of which is M. stenopetala native and cultivated in Africa. The name comes from the Tamil Indian language, where the word murungai means twisted pod. The name oleifera derives from the Latin oily, due to the high oil content of the seeds. The fast-growing tree resists drought, widespread in tropical and equatorial areas, reaches a height of up to about 10-12 meters. It shows a whitish-gray bark, drooping and brittle branches. The leaves branch out into a large, feathery canopy, while the flowers grow in clusters, yellowish-white and fragrant. Flowering begins within the first 6 months of planting, usually in late spring, while the fruit is a capsule with brown seeds.
Nutritional values of Moringa oleifera
The leaves contain antioxidants, essential amino acids, carotenoids and substances with nutraceutical properties - such as vitamins and minerals. They are rich in iron, proteins, vitamin C, vitamin B6, riboflavin. In addition, the plant makes available nutrients with a high content of polyphenols, including phenolic acids, flavonoids and glucosinolates.
Moringa leaves are an excellent source of substances that can help reduce inflammation. Compared to the antioxidant content, the leaves contain quercetin and chlorogenic acid.
How to use herbal tea cut moringa leaves
The infusion of moringa is obtained by putting in a cup (250 ml), about 3-5 grams of leaves in herbal tea cut, with water at 100 ° C. Leave to infuse for 5 to 8 minutes, before drinking the herbal tea. Add honey or sugar if desired.
Moringa oleifera: side effects and contraindications
Moringa leaves are recognized as generally safe for food. In any case, if taken excessively, they can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, hypotension. In any case, the moringa tea should be consumed following the recommended doses. Herb leaves may interact with some medications. It is good to consult a specialist in the case of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cholesterolemia and blood pressure disorders. Moringa herbal tea is not recommended for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.