Herbal tea to deflate the stomach is considered a natural remedy against the phenomena that accompany incorrect digestion. Abdominal bloating is often a nuisance due to the accumulation of gas in the intestine, the ingestion of foods that irritate the stomach or are difficult to assimilate. It can also be caused by stress, premenstrual syndrome with water retention, or poor eating habits (eating quickly while swallowing air, standing, etc.). A swollen stomach brings a feeling of heaviness and fullness, tension in the stomach area and discomfort when wearing clothes that become tight.
This herbal tea for stomach bloating can be drunk after meals, and in the evening to improve the sleep thanks to correct digestive functions.

Herbal mixture to deflate the stomach: properties and benefits

The combination of the natural components of the herbal tea promotes digestive well-being and the expulsion of gases present in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to deflating the abdominal area, the carminative and anti-meteor mixture calms the pain caused by the state of tension in the stomach and, subsequently, the intestine. Plants and flowers known for their digestive properties, useful against abdominal swelling, are used for the herbal tea.
Fennel, lemon balm and mint represent plants historically known for their digestive virtues. Among the most active, fennel contains compounds useful for reducing intestinal gas and, subsequently, bloating. Digestive qualities are also common in mint, famous for its menthol content - which relaxes the muscles and deflates the abdomen. Lemon balm provides the ability to promote regular digestive function and gastrointestinal motility, which facilitate the elimination of gases.
Same beneficial function on digestion and meteorism, carried out by orange leaves and hyssop herb. The licorice root supports the functionality of the digestive system in the herbal tea, in combination with the relaxing linden flowers and other parts that promote stomatal transit.
Plants such as lavender and rosemary are also useful for the digestive function – rosemary also to liver function – for correct removal of gases that cause abdominal swelling. Condurango, elecampane and centaury are lesser-known plants, but used for their properties on stomach swelling, as natural remedies in case of digestive difficulties. The condurango root contains a bitter-tonic principle used in herbal medicine in case of gastric disorders. Elecampane counteracts the formation of intestinal gas and also helps diuresis, combined with sassafras. The action of karkadè, also known as hibiscus tea, is known to regulate the digestion phase and drain excess liquids, with a slightly laxative action.

Plants and flowers

Fennel is botanically the plant Foeniculum vulgare, belonging to the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family. Originally from the Mediterranean, today it is widespread everywhere as an edible vegetable. It gives yellow flowers, followed by green and then greyish fruits.
Melissa officinalis is a plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It is native to the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia. It is also called limoncina grass due to its lemon-like smell.
The orange tree is Citrus sinensis, belonging to the Rutaceae family. It originated in China as a hybrid between the pomelo and the mandarin. Over the centuries, the varieties of orange developed are countless, and mainly sweet oranges are distinguished from bitter oranges.
The hibiscus plant, Hibiscus sabdariffa, is part of the Malvaceae family. It grows in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The calyx and flowers are used to prepare hibiscus tea, called karkadè.
Licorice is obtained from the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, part of the Fabaceae family. It is native to Asia and southern Europe. The plant extracts of the liquorice root, obtained by boiling, are used to give flavor to liquorice desserts.
Hyssopus officinalis is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. It has a thin, square stem, with opposite leaves, which can reach about 2 meters in height. It blooms from June to October giving purple-blue flowers, occasionally white or pink in some varieties.
Lavender or Lavandula belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is native to the Mediterranean area. It is a genus that includes around 30 species, all made up of small evergreen shrubs with grey-green leaves. The purple flowers are famous, arranged on spikes, used in herbal medicine, cosmetics and laundry.
The lime tree or Tilia is a tree that is part of the Malvaceae family. It is originally fromNorthern Hemisphere, but today grows in the temperate regions of North America, Europe and Asia. Of the Tilia cordata, called small-leaved linden, or Tilia Americana, mainly the flowers and leaves, or the bark with astringent properties, are used in herbal medicine.
Sassafras, commonly known as Sassafras, has the botanical name Sassafras Albidum. It is an evergreen plant native to North America, which belongs to the large Lauraceae family. From the root we obtain an essential oil containing safrole, used in perfumery, as a food flavoring and in pharmaceutical preparations.
Marsdenia cundurango is a woody vine of tropical origin, which belongs to the Asclepiadaceae / Tylophoree family. It grows robustly up to about 10 meters, and gives velvety leaves. The flowers are small and light brown.
The Inula helenium plant, called enula campana, is a perennial herbaceous belonging to the Asteraceae family. It shows yellow flowers, and grows mainly in uncultivated land, in the woods, between ditches and grassy pastures.
Centaurium erythraea or minor Centaurea is a plant belonging to the Gentianaceae family. The plant of the Compositae or Asteraceae family is also often called Centaurea minor. The entire dried, whole and flowering plant is used in phytotherapy.
The rosemary plant is Salvia rosmarinus, a shrub from the Lamiaceae family. It is known for use in cooking, as an aromatic. It flowers from autumn to spring, giving linear leaves, green at the top and whitish underneath.

Nutritional values of the mixture for abdominal bloating

The herbal combination makes various active ingredients bioavailable, in many cases bitter principles that act as digestive tonics. There are flavonoids and other antioxidants, substances such as triterpenes, astringent tannins, mucilages and other substances that promote the well-being of digestion (anethole, estragole, menthol, rosmarinic acid, etc.).

How to use the ingredients in the herbal tea The infusion is obtained by inserting approximately 3-5 grams of the mixture into a cup (250 ml), with water at a temperature of approximately 100 °C.
Leave it to infuse for 8 to 10 minutes before drinking the herbal tea. Add honey or sugar, if desired.

Herbal mixture for stomach bloating: side effects and contraindications

Among herbal teas for digestive well-being, this blend has no particular contraindications. In any case, it is not recommended for subjects sensitive to some medicinal herbs contained - with allergies or intolerances to the individual ingredients. It is advisable to respect the recommended doses, to avoid excessive consumption which leads to stomach ache, diarrhea and abdominal pain. The presence of substances that act on the digestive system requires medical advice for those who suffer from gastritis, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease).

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