January: goal detox

January: goal detox

January is the month of resolutions par excellence, and it could be the right time to review our habits and start on a path to improve our general well-being. Let's start the month under the banner of detox....and perhaps try to keep our resolutions for the coming months as well.
We have left behind the ‘sins of gluttony’ of the past few weeks....some panettone or pandoro to lose at breakfast will probably still be there for the next few days, but let's start taking small steps to recover our good habits or experiment with new ones.
As every year, we remind you that January is ‘veganuary’ the month of plant-based eating and even if you are an omnivore, it wouldn't hurt to experience the benefits for a few weeks.
Good hydration is important to purify the body, in the cold months we are often inclined to drink less, infusions and herbal teas can help us in a pleasant way to maintain a good level of hydration.
In our wellness catalogue you will find herbal teas for every need, draining, purifying and not only. If you are undecided on which one to buy, you can try our detox kit, but if you have time you can also try to prepare homemade detox infusions, such as the spiced ginger, turmeric and lemon infusion, or cinnamon flavoured water.

Wellness starts at breakfast

We know that breakfast is the main meal of the day, essential to stimulate the metabolism and give us the right energy to start the day, perhaps with a nice porridge enriched with dried fruit. Before breakfast, especially if you have overindulged in this period and need something to help you regain regularity, a chia seed drink might help.

Ready to put your January detox resolutions into practice?