The prostate is one of the essential parts of the male body, which is part of the reproductive system and has important functions for reproduction, and for the well-being of the genitourinary tract. Its location under the bladder and in front of the rectum requires adequate treatment as its size slowly increases over time.

After age 50, complications can arise if it doesn't work properly: it can cause pain when it becomes inflamed (bacterial prostatitis) or enlarged (prostatic BPH). Frequently there are difficulties or pains in urination, and incomplete emptying of the bladder.
To maintain the well-being of the prostate, in the context of herbal medicine, there are medicinal plants that help prevent and soothe the ailments of this area.

Discover the most suitable herbal tea for prostate health, containing herbs for its correct functionality, and for supporting the male hormonal system.

Herbs for prostate health: properties and benefits

Bearberry is a medicinal herb known for the treatment of the prostate in phytotherapy, since it represents a natural remedy in case of cystitis and irritation of the bladder. The content of substances such as glycosides and arbutin help reduce bacteria in the urine, while astringent tannins act on the tissues against inflammation.

Its diuretic action counteracts the urination difficulties of those suffering from an enlarged prostate.

Nettle is a medicinal plant known for its diuretic property, since its content in chlorophyll, potassium and organic acids stimulates the production of urine. In this way, the body can get rid of excess fluids, preventing water retention and favoring the elimination of accumulated toxins .

For the health of the prostate, nettle acts by stimulating diuresis , and improves the difficulty in urination, typical of prostatitis. Furthermore, the plant makes phytosterols and scopoletin available, substances useful for slowing down the transformation of testosterone into estrogen hormones (a phenomenon that favors the onset of prostate hypertrophy).

In the herbal tea, among the mixture of herbs for the prostate there is also horsetail. An excellent natural remedy for inflamed prostate, thanks to its properties that counteract irritation and purify with a diuretic effect. Also in this case, this medicinal herb helps to empty the bladder and decrease the discomfort caused by prostatitis.

For the protection of male hormonal activity, on the other hand, blueberry is included in the mixture of herbs for the prostate. It has an excellent protective action on the functionality of the prostate, acting on the urinary tract in a beneficial way. They help improve the symptoms of this genital and urinary tract (prostatism), due to prostatitis and enlarged prostate.

Other ingredients of herbal tea for the prostate are also present as diuretics, including mint with a refreshing and diuretic action, and rosehip. This last medicinal herb is used in herbal medicine because it makes available lycopene and other substances such as beta-carotene, which are studied for their antioxidant protective activities for the prostate.

Further plants with diuretic and purifying effects in the mixture of herbs for the prostate, are the hernial (Hernaria glabra), the birch and the ononide.

These are plants useful in calming the symptoms of irritation due to an enlarged prostate, such as cystitis, urethritis and painful urination.

Furthermore, they represent elements that act through diuresis for a greater well-being of the genitourinary tract, and for detoxification of the organism.

The ononide promotes the physiological draining function of the body, helping the well-being of the urinary tract. It has diuretic but also natural anti-inflammatory effects. Relieves burning in the urinary tract, also reducing the acidity of the urine as well as soothing irritated mucous membranes.

With its antispasmodic effect, it reduces the sense of heaviness in the bladder.

Other medicinal herbs present in the herbal tea are associated for their diuretic power, such as erysme and goldenrod.

Excellent for eliminating water retention esoothe the effects of inflammation of the urinary tract, they also possess natural astringent and antiseptic properties.

Origins and History of cultivation

In this herbal mixture for the prostate, plants known in phytotherapy are selected, as natural diuretics and anti-inflammatories for the urinary tract.

Most have enhanced characteristics in the effects of the mix, created for the herbal tea that helps fight ailments and irritation due to prostate enlargement. Most of the officinal herbs of the blend are widespread in Europe, to date all the ingredients are available dried and ready for infusion.

Plants and flowers

The components of the herbal tea for prostatic well-being derive from various parts of medicinal plants. Uva ursina or Arctostaphylos uva-ursi is a plant species of the genus Arctostaphylos. It is found in the regions close to the boreal circle, in the subarctic northern hemisphere. It is a small woody shrub about 5-30 cm tall, showing evergreen leaves, white or pink flowers and a red berry as a fruit.

The Rosa canina is a plant that belongs to the Rosaceae family. Both the petals and the fruits of this plant are used. Rosehip grows as a shrub with thorny stems, serrated leaves, and colorful flowers. The fruit is composed of various dried fruits, enclosed in a floral cup, with various beneficial properties for health.

The restharrow from the botanical name Ononis spinosa, is a small thorny shrub of the Fabaceae family. It is found throughout much of Europe, growing in dry meadows and pastures, along roadsides and on sandy soils. It shows fragrant, mostly solitary flowers.

The mint or Mentha is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. It is very widespread, showing different varieties, up to 24 species and all with similar herbal properties. Many hybrids of mint are renowned, mainly used for food.

The erniaria Herniaria glabra is a plant of the Caryophyllaceae family. It grows in North America and Europe, known for its hardiness. It can thrive in infertile soils, withstanding severe drops in temperature. It prefers a sunny environment.

The goldenrod (Solidago virga-aurea) is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae or Compositae family. It is widespread in most of Europe, North Africa and Asia. It is grown as a garden flower and blooms profusely in late summer.

The erisimo plant is Sisymbrium officinale, belonging to the Brassicaceae / Cruciferous family. It is an annual plant that grows in uncultivated places and along roadsides. It has light green to deep green stems, yellow flowers, and produces a capsule like fruit.

The genus Betula includes about 40 species of trees, belonging to the family Betulaceae. Birch trees grow in the cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere, exhibiting a smooth, resinous bark that usually flakes horizontally into thin sheets.

The Equisetum arvensis plant is a perennial of the Equisetaceae family, part of the Pteridophyte division - plants without flowers, fruits or seeds.

Grows to about 30cm, is fern-like and spreads quickly, with pointed stems and scaly leaves.

Nettle, or Urtica dioica , is a perennial plant of the Urticaceae family. Native to Europe, temperate Asia and North Africa, it is now widespread all over the world. The leaves and stems have prickly hairs.

The blueberries derive from the plant of the genus Vaccinium and are part of the subgenus Oxycoccus. They are from evergreen dwarf shrubs, present in the Vaccinium microcarpum or Oxycoccus microcarpus, Vaccinium oxycoccos or Oxycoccus palustris varieties. They are widespread in North America and Chile, northern Europe and Asia.

Nutritional values ​​of the herbal mix for the prostate

The herbal combination makes available various active ingredients useful for the well-being of the prostate.

In particular, flavonoids and other antioxidants are active, as well as substances such as glycosides and arbutin, herniarin.

Vitamins and other nutrients are also present.

How to use herbs in herbal tea for the prostate

The infusion is obtained by putting in a cup (250 ml), about 3-5 grams of the mixture of herbs for the prostate, with water at 100 ° C.

Leave to infuse for 8 to 10 minutes, before drinking the herbal tea.

Add honey or sugar if desired.

Herbal blend for the prostate: side effects and contraindications

Among the herbal teas for the urinary tract, this mixture has no major contraindications.

In any case, it is not recommended for those sensitive to some medicinal herbs contained; that is, with allergies or intolerances to individual ingredients.

It is advisable not to consume the herbal tea for long periods, and to respect the recommended doses, to avoid diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea and hypotension.

For the presence of substances that act on the urinary tract, it is advisable to consult a doctor for those suffering from pathologies of the prostate, urinary tract, and pathologies of the kidneys. In addition, given the diuretic capacity of the herbal tea, it is also good to consult for those who take drugs to lower blood pressure.

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