rhinitis , whether allergic or not, manifests itself as acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can result from exposure to certain factors such as allergens, or some odors, food or medicines; or it can be caused by pre-existing problems.

Among the natural remedies for rhinitis, which relieve the symptoms of irritation, abundant mucosa and swelling of the nasal septum, there are some herbs included in this mixture: euphrasia, ginkgo biloba, licorice root, peppermint leaves, nettle leaves and plantain .

Herbs to relieve rhinitis: properties and benefits

These officinal herbs , contain a high dose of beneficial substances as natural anti-inflammatories, which together work in synergy to counteract the symptoms of nasal inflammation. Among the plants best known as ingredients of herbal teas against rhinitis, there are mint and nettle.

Nettle, known above all for its pungent qualities, actually in herbal teas and decoctions, is one of the most effective herbal treatments for allergic rhinitis. It has astringent, natural antimicrobial and analgesic properties , excellent for reducing inflammation of the nose, whether linked to allergy or not. In the form of dried leaves, nettle is excellent for preparing a purifying infusion, which in cases of allergic rhinitis helps to block the effects of histamine.

In addition, it helps to curb the proliferation of mucus and cough attacks produced by the reaction to allergens (dust, pollen, etc.). Along with the other herbs in the blend, it also promotes the decrease of itching and sneezing. In particular, its association with mint is known, which can also be peppermint as in our selection.

Another element of the herbal tea against allergic rhinitis is licorice , the root of which is known for its natural anti-inflammatory properties, already in traditional Chinese medicine. The active ingredients of licorice act in a similar way to glucocorticoids, hormones that act on our metabolism to reduce inflammatory and immune responses in allergies.

This ingredient, therefore, helps to relieve the nose, and also helps expectoration in case of cough. Another medicinal plant used in this herbal blend relieves rhinitis is euphrasia. A plant that is traditionally used to treat the respiratory conditions of rhinitis and sinusitis. Its astringent and analgesic properties combine with its natural anti-inflammatory qualities, and it has historically been used as an expectorant and mucolytic. A valid natural remedy against cough and nasal congestion.

Euphrasia contains various substances and antioxidants ( glycosides, flavonoids, tannins ) which give it an action to decongest the mucous membranes and skin. Another fundamental element in the herbal mixture relieves rhinitis is the plantain. This medicinal plant has historically been used to calm irritations of the skin and mucous membranes, during colds, sinusitis and rhinitis, whether allergic or not.

Plantain contains beneficial substances such as glycosides, acids, flavonoids, including apigenin and baicalein - known as anti-inflammatory compounds, also useful in case of allergies. The ginkgo biloba plant is known for its allergy-fighting action. It triggers a process that interferes with the release of histamine, thanks to terpenes (ginkgolide B) and flavonoids. It is considered one of the most effective remedies to act on inflammatory mediators.

Origins and History of cultivation

In this mix there are various medicinal herbs, able to promote health through a herbal tea for the respiratory tract. To create this infusion some parts of euphrasia, ginkgo biloba, licorice, peppermint, nettle, plantain were dried.

The various medicinal herbs have been known to humans for centuries, and in different parts of the globe. In particular, ginkgo biloba is a plant of oriental origin, one of the oldest in the world, and has only recently been brought to the attention of Western natural cures.

Apart from this ingredient, for other plants, they are often officinal herbs known above all in herbal medicine from the Middle Ages onwards, when the practice of phytotherapy has evolved and spread more . Among the ingredients, however, mint as ervery aromatic ba is among the oldest that have been used by humans to discover culinary, ritual and medicinal products.

Euphrasia, too, was already known to the ancient Greeks. Her name comes from the Greek Euphrosyne, one of the three graces, known for her joy and cheerfulness. To date, the ingredients of the herbal tea are conveniently available everywhere, dried and ready for infusion.

Plant and flowers

The components of the herbal tea are many, and the mix contains medicinal herbs of various origins. Euphrasia or Euphrasia officinalis, is a plant of the Scrophulariaceae family.

It is considered hemiparasite, ie a plant that lives on the roots of other plants, in order to be able to take water and mineral salts from them - despite containing chlorophyll. It blooms between summer and late autumn.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a perennial shrub native to southwestern Asia and the Mediterranean area. Its root is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and other cultures for its anti-inflammatory properties. Its effect is such that it was once considered a natural cortisone. A sweet pastry compound is also created from the root, glycyrrhizin. To thrive, licorice requires deep, well-cultivated, fertile and moist soil.

The Ginkgo biloba plant, also called maidenhair, belongs to the Ginkgoaceae family. It is a plant native to southern China, considered a living fossil (the only survivor of a group of very ancient plants). It grows up to 30 meters high, displays hard, fern-like leaves. For growing, it prefers full sun, sandy, moist and well-drained soils.

The Plantain is the Plantago major L. of the Plantaginaceae family. It is a perennial species that grows in meadows and fields, along the roadsides. It prefers firm soils, which it can break with its roots, and can survive trampling well. Native Americans called it the white man's footprint because it appeared in areas around European settlements.

Urtica dioica is a perennial flowering plant of the Urticaceae family. Nettle is native to Europe, temperate Asia and western North Africa. Now widespread all over the world, it is divided into six subspecies, with the famous prickly hairs on the leaves and stems.

Peppermint (Mentha × piperita) is a hybrid between Roman mint (Mentha spicata) and aquatic mint (Mentha aquatica). It is part of the Lamiaceae family. Peppermint can grow in full sun or partial shade, on various types of soils, in fact it is very widespread. It prefers moist soil, but does not tolerate standing water.

Nutritional values ​​of the herbal blend relieves rhinitis

The herbal tea contains several beneficial substances.

Among these, vitamins, of Group B, vitamin C and vitamin K stand out, as well as discrete doses of vitamin E. Similar compounds are beneficial acids such as acid folic, pantothenic, beta-carotene. There are minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium.

In terms of antioxidants, flavonoids, carotenoids and anthocyanins, phytosterols, glycosides, substances such as quercetin, luteolin, aucubin, tannins (euphrasiotannic acid), apigenin, baicalein abound.

How to use herbs against rhinitis in herbal tea

The infusion is obtained by putting about 3-5 grams of the mixture in a cup (250 ml) of herbs relieves rhinitis with water at 100 ° C.

Leave to infuse for 8 to 10 minutes, before drinking the herbal tea. Add honey or sugar if desired.

This herbal tea can be useful both to alleviate the conditions of rhinitis in progress, and to help the body in the prevention of allergic rhinitis. In this case, the mixture can be taken in the month preceding the pollen season.

Herbal tea relieves rhinitis: side effects and contraindications

Although the medicinal herbs contained in the herbal tea are usually considered safe, it is essential to keep the intake within the recommended doses.
Furthermore, it is good to evaluate possible allergies or intolerances to individual ingredients.
The presence of licorice is not recommended for those suffering from hypertension, and for those who have taken drugs to increase blood pressure. Caution is also advised for pregnant women and inbreastfeeding phase.

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