Excellent infusion to purify the toxins accumulated during the winter, and get back in shape for the summer! A detox blend that helps against water retention, promoting diuresis and the drainage of excess liquids. The infusion becomes exquisite if it is served chilled, as a natural thirst-quenching drink. Strawberry and bergamot infusion The choice that combines different fruits in the blend, strawberry and bergamot is among the most successful, to make a delicious taste and purifying qualities. The sweet aroma of strawberries, blackberries, is compensated with the bitter notes of bergamot, the sour citrus notes of orange and lemongrass. In addition to the juicy quality of the fruits, other vegetable ingredients create a particular consistency to the infusion. Gojii berries ensure a sweet and slightly tart nuance, which is combined with the pungent flavors of eucalyptus and pink pepper. The fresh and lively scent takes on some floral notes with calendula flowers, cornflower and other natural aromas. Many nuances of taste, for an intense and beneficial infusion.

Strawberry and bergamot infusion: properties and benefits

This blend mainly has purifying qualities, excellent for a detox action in spring. It is also suitable as a wellness infusion before the summer to eliminate toxins, promote diuresis and counteract water retention. Sipping the tasty drink will help to lighten the body and prepare it for the first heat. In addition to wearing the beach costume in a more "lean" way. Among the main components are strawberries, fruits rich in vitamin C and minerals such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. The significant vitamin C content is also supported by bergamot and other fruits such as orange, blackberry and goji berries. This element, enhanced in the mix, makes the infusion useful for strengthening the immune system while purifying the body. At a diuretic level, strawberries perform a purifying action and help the drainage of excess fluids in the body. In addition to expelling retained liquids, toxins and metabolic waste are eliminated, which weigh down the microcirculation system of the blood capillaries and the lymphatic system.

Bergamot is also a citrus fruit rich in detox and anti-cellulite properties, which help keep impurities and toxins under control.

A perfect mix in the changing seasons, to purify the body and reactivate the metabolism. The ability to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, with benefits on water retention, is also increased by the presence of lemongrass and pink pepper berries. The purifying action is also useful for the gastrointestinal system. The citrus fruits of the infusion give useful qualities for a correct digestion. The antioxidant properties of the infusion are multiple, being made up of ingredients where polyphenols and vitamins (A, C) abound.

Origins and History of cultivation

The herbal tea blend features various natural elements, the main ones of which we mention are strawberries and bergamot. Bergamot is a citrus fruit whose origins are often investigated, and is defined as a hybrid between orange and lemon.

Researches would like it to originate from China, others from Greece or from the city of Berga in Spain. According to other legends, he was born in the Canary Islands and imported by Christopher Columbus to Europe.

We know that its name derives from the Turkish term beg armudi or "pear of the Lord", and we know the historical cultivations of bergamot in Turkey, Italy and some Mediterranean countries; as well as being grown in East Africa, the Ivory Coast, Argentina and Brazil. In Italy, bergamot is an endemic plant of the Calabrian region, also known as the "green gold of Calabria". It grows almost exclusively in the southern coastal area from Reggio Calabria to Locri, where the fruit was known as a source of a beneficial juice. It was used in folk medicine as a remedy for blood fats and cardiovascular problems.

Today it is being studied to verify its useful properties against increased cholesterol and metabolic syndrome, due to the flavonoids present in bergamot. The best-known product of cultivation today is the essential oil of bergamot, extracted from the pericarp and part of the mesocarp of the fresh fruit. Cold processing or steam distillation is used to obtain an essential oil mainly used in perfumery. In the kitchen, the essential oil of bergamot is used as a flavoring ingredient and together with the extracts of the fruit, it is used inand preparations of Earl Gray tea.

The strawberry, a fruit appreciated all over the world, has an ancient origin, even if today there are many species of strawberries in all temperate regions of the world. The original plant has an uncertain origin, given that the oldest Fragaria fossils come from Poland and China. In classical culture, the strawberry was a symbol of Venus, the goddess of love, due to its heart shape and red color. It was however used as a medicinal remedy by the ancient Romans. In modern times, what we know as garden strawberries derives from the union of two species native to the Americas. Fragaria virginiana is a species of strawberry native to North America brought to France in 1624. Fragaria chiloensis is a wild species of strawberry native to Chile, and was brought to France, but in 1712. From crosses between the two species, in the eighteenth century the ancestors of the modern garden strawberry, Fragaria x ananassa, were born. The letter "x" indicates that the strawberry is of hybrid origin.

Fruits and flowers

The components of the infusion are many, and the mix includes leaves and flowers of different origins, of which we mention only the main ones.
The plant that produces bergamot is Citrus bergamia of the Citrus genus and Rutaceae family. It is an evergreen tree that reaches a height of 3-4 meters, giving the flowering white flowers with an intense aroma. The leaves are shiny and fleshy and the fruit with yellow-green skin is acidic, with a fresh aroma. The plant is very sensitive to soil conditions and grows almost exclusively in warm, coastal areas.
The strawberry belongs to the genus Fragaria and to the Rosaceae (Rose) family. There are more than 20 species, many hybrids and cultivars, and the most common strawberries are cultivars of the garden strawberry, whose scientific name is Fragaria x ananassa. From a botanical point of view, the strawberry is not a fruit. The fleshy and edible part is the enlarged receptacle of the flower. The real seeds are visible on the surface of the strawberry, the dots – achenes.
The apple tree is the Malus domestica of the Rosaceae family. It is a tree native to Asia, now widespread as a crop all over the planet. The fruits differ in colors and in many varieties, and have been used in human nutrition for thousands of years. The blackberry is the fruit that derives from the bramble Rubus Fruticosus L. and belongs to the large Rosaceae family. It grows spontaneously in Mediterranean countries as a thorny plant, creating the classic blackberry groves. Goji berries are the fruit of Lycium barbarum or Lycium chinense, two related species of the Solanaceae family. The fruits of Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense are similar, but can be distinguished by taste and sugar content.

Nutritional values of strawberry and bergamot infusion

The main active ingredients of the blend are vitamin C, vitamin A, group B vitamins as well as important mineral salts such as potassium, iron, calcium. How to use the ingredients in the infusion The infusion is obtained by placing about 3-5 grams of the mixture with water at 100 °C in a cup (250 ml). Leave to infuse for 10 to 12 minutes, before drinking the strawberry and bergamot infusion. Add honey or sugar, if desired.

Strawberry and bergamot infusion: side effects and contraindications

It is necessary to respect the recommended doses for each cup, and not to exceed the intake for too long periods. Excessive intake can lead to diarrhea, fatigue, intestinal gas heartburn and other digestive disorders. The infusion must be controlled in its ingredients, which in some subjects could give rise to skin reactions including itching and burning. Caution is advised for pregnant or lactating women.


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